“When they tell us about their needs, their preferences, their budgetary limits, we listen because a building is not a success unless it fulfills the client’s vision. Our approach is good, solid design, suitable for the environment and the climate, plus careful follow-through by the principals. In fact, the principals will handle your job, from initial design to final construction. It’s an approach that’s earned us many awards. More importantly, it’s earned us loyal clients.”

Ronald B. Blitch, FAIA, FACHA / Ken Knevel, AIA
Memorial Hospital at Gulfport
The Good Shepherd School
Academy of the Sacred Heart
LSU Dental School
Wynhoven Nursing
Saint John’s on the Lake
Chateau de Notre Dame
St. Joseph Abbey
East Jefferson General Hospital
Our Lady of Wisdom Healthcare Community
Touro Infirmary
Pendelton Memorial Hospital
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs / VA Medical Center
Louisiana State University Academic Medical Center
Med Asset, Inc.
Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans
Xavier University
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Nicholls State University
University of New Orleans
Holy Cross School
St. Paul’s Episcopal School
Lambeth House Continuing Care Retirement Community
Willwoods Foundation
Providence Community Housing
St. Anna’s Residence
Enterprise Housing
Archdiocese of New Orleans
Archdiocese of Mobile
Diocese of Biloxi
Catholic Charities
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
St. Katharine Drexel Mission Center & Shrine, Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
Louisiana Army National Guard
Louisiana Air National Guard
East St. Tammany Events Center Commission